- Look at the love in this photo! That was truly one of the best days of my life.
- Today First Lady LaVera and I celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary. I’m so blessed to be married to her! She is such an amazing woman. Every day she reminds me that God made her perfectly for me.
- I really should have seen it coming… but WOW! What an awesome day at The Heights!
- From the time that I walked into the building, it seemed like everything that could go wrong, did. We had audio issues, video issues, volunteer issues, attitude issues and any other kind of issue you can think of.
- It took me a little while to chill out, pray, and recognize that these were all signs that God had big plans. Whenever the enemy pulls out the stops trying to get us off our game, I know something BIG is about to happen.
- In the end, Christ prevailed, several people made decisions to follow Him, and worship was incredible! Praise God!
- I began a new series today called, “Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself.” Yes, I stole the line from Jay-Z, but I think it’s a fitting way to package this discussion on God’s attributes and how He invades our lives in order to show Himself to us in fresh ways.
- Today I preached from Exodus 3. Moses’ encounter with God teaches us so much about God as well as ourselves.
- I’m sure you’re waiting for the audio link… Here it is! Click here.
- This series will appease the seminarian/theologian in me as we discuss the attributes of God. One of the greatest tensions as a preacher and pastor is to properly esteem theology while connecting it to the lives of the people. I think I did okay this week.
- First Lady and I will celebrate our anniversary next weekend with a dinner cruise and other fun stuff. Today was just a chill day at home with the boys after a post-church brunch at IHOP.
- I’m so proud of our events team that pulled together an incredible July 4th outreach for our community. Each year, the city puts on a fireworks show fit across the street from our church which draws hundreds of people from our community to our church lawn. We couldn’t ask for a better opportunity to engage our community!
- We had a blast and enjoyed being a blessing! There are still some ways we could improve, so next year will be even better!
- Looking forward to a great week! I pray that you’ll have a great one to!
Love y’all!